This is the EIGHTH A.S.S. Pack
Inside are 10 ink drawings and 16 full colour skulls.

There are 10 special NFTs for those that collect all 10 ink drawings and 16 special NFTs to those that collect all 16 skull paintings.
These will give you access to a special 1/1 art from the OwnByronsArt collection.

The drop will be available March 12 at 10am CST
Packs can open on MArch 14 at 10am CST

Drops will be on Neftyblocks and NFTHive
Price will be 25 WAX, 250 DHC, 2000000 WUF and then either Nefty or Honey.
the better deal is the 250 DHC

there will also be blends available if you want to get rid of old assets which will obviously include duplicates of this pack
